
Mengintip KONTES BABI ter SEXY di china...

The Pig Contest of Guanshan Village, Guangdong Province, China, is a centuries old tradition dating back to the Qing Dinasty.

Hundreds of thousands of tourists, from all over China, travel to Guanshan, every year, to take a look at the hundreds of pigs on display at the Pig Contest. This year, around 500 oinkers were sacrificed, cleaned up and set on display to be admired by passers-by.

After the most handsome pig is allected, the festivities end in a gargantuan feast, when the tasty participants are sliced up and served to the public.

Photos via Xinhua






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2 komentar on Mengintip KONTES BABI ter SEXY di china...

  1. Oh ternyata ada juga ya babi sexy gw pikir cuma si Jupe alias Julia Perezzzzz aja yang paling sexy sedunia he he he he....

  2. hah??baru tau ada babi sexy..hahah


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